Friday, April 30, 2010

Where do you get your protein part two...

In addition to my training and learning for the tri comes another key element... the nutrition side of things.  So I've decided to share some of the nutritional aspects as well... Maybe it will inspire you to have an animal-free meal or two!

If you didn't already know it, I eat a vegan diet.  And now comes my disclaimer... I actually DO eat bee products such as honey and bee pollen... they are highly nutritious and healing. I'm not making excuses... I'm merely putting it out there that for me it isn't necessarily about 'perfection'... rather trying to do what makes the most sense for me.

I also have a passion for wool... I try to make my choices compassionately.  I find it difficult at times to choose because sometimes a vegan choice is at odds with an environmentally sound choice... ahh but I digress...

So the nutrition thing.... I have people ask me all the time 'isn't it hard to....' and the answer, quite simply is no.  No, it isn't.  I have a friend whose blog you should visit:  It's Easy Being Vegan!  She has great insight on being vegan and willing shares with the world.

It is like anything else you learn, however, and that is there's a learning curve.  You shop in a new way, prepare your food in a new way, think in a new way.  You are bound to feel a little lost, overwhelmed and just plain stupid at times.  It doesn't last... and like anything else that you stick with, it will become a 'habit'... second nature.  When I go to the grocery store it doesn't take me hours (unless Robert accompanies me, but that's just cuz he loves spending time there...) I basically buy the same things week in, week out, just like you do.  I'm just doing most of my shopping in the produce section...  ; )

Tomorrow I'm embarking on a journey to make my own version of a Clif Bar.  I'll keep you posted on how the experiment goes... and, if it goes well, as I have every intention of making happen, I'll be sharing the recipes and how-tos right here!

The Gods created certain kinds of beings to replenish our bodies; they are the trees and the plants and the seeds -Plato

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