Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Am I Crazy???

A few days ago I signed up for my first triathlon.  I don't know how to swim (well, yeah, I can do that splash around and dog paddle thing, but you know, not swim-swim...!) and I don't run.  I do bike.  But for the past year I've really felt like I wanted to do more than exercise.... that I wanted to train for something.... and then the other day I opened a random e-mail, clicked on the link and took the first steps for the next change of my life.

And... like many a wet-behind-the-ears neophite I am NOT scared.... no... rather I'm feeling like I can do anything.  REALLY.

And I can say that all I really want to do is finish..... but honestly.... I want to do more than that... I want to change my life.

Here is what I've learned so far....

- There are many different kinds of triathlons.  I guess I always assumed that 'ironman' and triathlon were synomymous.  They aren't.  There are different distances.  I'm doing a 'sprint distance' which is a great way to start out (this race happens to have a 1/2 mi swim, 12 mile bike and 3 mile run).  I found out later there are even 'supersprint' distance triathlons!

- Everyone is a newbie at some point & no question is irrelevant or silly.... if you have a question or don't know something, ask.

- T1 and T2 are transistions... so when you go from one sport to the next; T1 is the transition between swimming and biking and T2 is the transition between biking and running.

- There are categories and to some degree you get to choose the best fit for you... (I've chosen the athena group versus my age group)  The Athena group is for women who weigh more than 150lbs.

As for the swimming thing, a friend of mine suggested reading 'Total Immersion' by Terry Laughlin and so I have.... I'm going this week to see about signing up for a local pool membership because the pool at the hotel is about an 10x10 square.... not quite big enough to really 'swim' in.... ; P 

I'm also reading Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD... I'm a fat vegan.  There are a multitude of reasons, but they don't really matter.  At the end of the day here's where I'm at.  And I want to be as healthy as I can be.  His approach to wellness makes sense to me.... and, while I generally subscribe to the idea of taking in information and using what makes sense and works for you, I've reached a place in my life where I feel as though I either make some dramatic changes right now or I will never get back to the healthy and fit girl I know lives inside of me.  So I am making the commitment to follow his 6 week quick start plan without compromise and be open to the possibilities that are laid out in front of me. 

As for my training and gaining 'Tri' knowledge...there is no lack of info out there and I'm beginning to sift through it.  My goal is to have my training plan set by this weekend. I've been working out for several weeks, but now I need/want to start training.  I'll share my plan once I've decided on it.

Whether you think you can or can't, you're right! - henry ford


  1. This is awesome!!! Wish you the best of luck!! =D

  2. This is a great journey you've begun, and a noble goal!!

    You're already a winner!!...........


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